Gluten-free diets seem to be all the rage lately. However, for people with Celiac disease, eating gluten-free isn’t just a trend, it’s a must. Approximately 1 in 133 people suffer from Celiac disease, or CeD, and it’s not only a choice to eat a gluten-free diet, it’s medically necessary.
Currently the only treatment for CeD is a strict, 100% gluten-free diet. When people with Celiac Disease ingest gluten even in trace amounts, they can have some major reactions. The symptoms from these reactions (skin-based, even neurological) can sometimes take several weeks to disappear. That’s not even touching on the major intestinal distress they can be feeling.
So, what exactly is celiac disease? According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disorder that can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten (wheat, barley, rye) leads to damage in the small intestine. Since celiac disease is hereditary, people with a first-degree relative with celiac disease (parent, child, sibling) have a 1 in 10 risk of developing celiac disease.
While not everyone with Celiac disease will have symptoms, most do and they’re not fun. Symptoms range from severe abdominal pain and diarrhea to fatigue, weight loss, constipation, and ADHD-like symptoms.
While there’s currently no cure for Celiac disease, researchers at Stamford Therapeutics are currently evaluating potential new treatment options. If you or someone you love is struggling to manage CeD symptoms, a research study may be an option. Study participants receive care from board-certified physicians and have access to new treatment medications before the general public. Compensation is also available for time and travel expense. To learn more, click HERE.