Atopic Dermatitis, or eczema, causes a red skin rash that leaves skin itchy and dry. The patchy rash most commonly occurs on the arms and behind the knees, but can appear anywhere. Winter is often dreaded by eczema sufferers as dry air and harsh temperatures can trigger an eczema flare. While eczema flare-ups are common in winter, a few simple tips may help you to overcome this seasonal discomfort.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. – Keeping eczema-prone skin moisturized is key. Using a thick moisturizing cream free of fragrance and other additives twice daily is recommended.
Try a humidifier – Humidifiers add moisture into the air that can be lost due to your heating system pumping loads of dry heat into your home. This can dry your skin out, further irritating eczema.
Use gentle soaps and detergents – Use bath soaps that are fragrance-free and dye free, and avoid taking long, hot showers or baths. Look for special laundry detergents that are fragrance-free, and made for those with sensitive skin.
Avoid irritating fabrics – Some fabrics such as nylon and wool can irritate skin. Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton, and consider light layers to avoid overheating, which could trigger a flare.
Although winter can be a tough time for those with eczema, keeping these few tips in mind may help to make it a little more tolerable. If you or someone you love is struggling to manage eczema symptoms, you may be eligible to participate in a research study at New England Research Associates. Qualified participants are closely evaluated by board-certified physicians and other medical professionals, and may even gain access to new treatments before they are available to the general public. Compensation is also available for time and travel expenses. To learn more, click HERE.