Psoriatic Arthritis and Relationships: Handling Challenges

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic type of inflammatory arthritis that occurs in some people with psoriasis. It can affect any joint in the body and can cause nail changes and overall fatigue. Many people with the condition often experience morning stiffness. Psoriatic Arthritis can affect all ages but is most common in those between the ages of 30 and 50. Managing this painful disease takes a lot of effort and affects romantic relationships, family relationships, and relationships with friends. Learning how to work through challenges and gain support from loved ones is key when living with psoriatic arthritis.

One of the most common symptoms associated with psoriatic arthritis is fatigue. The fatigue you experience when dealing with this condition is not just feeling tired or worn out, it can be debilitating. It can mean entire weekends on the couch, especially during a flare. For many people who don’t fully understand what it means to have an autoimmune disorder, this can come across as lazy or stand-offish.

It’s your responsibility to communicate your condition well. If it’s your spouse that you’re dealing with, they need to understand why you’ve spent the weekend on the couch. Talk about the important things that you want to save your energy for and agree on that together. That way, if your spouse is picking up the brunt of the housework, it doesn’t harbor feelings of resentment on their end and you don’t feel like such a burden. When it comes to friends and family, let them know what your limitations are. If they know up front, you won’t have to constantly cancel plans and worry about not being called. Communication is key.

It’s also important not to make your psoriatic arthritis the star of the show. While the disease is certainly on the forefront of your life, it’s important to remember to make sure to ask others how they’re doing as well. Even if you’re having a bad day or not feeling the best, showing that you care about those that care so much about you is important. If you don’t like talking about your condition, this is also a good way to help take the attention off of you.

If you or someone you love is suffering from psoriatic arthritis and looking for new treatment options, studies are enrolling now in your local area that may help. Research doctors are evaluating new treatment options and qualified participants may have access to potential new psoriatic arthritis treatments. Participants often receive care from board-certified physicians and other medical staff, and may receive compensation for time and travel expenses. To learn more about these studies and to see if you qualify CLICK HERE.