High blood pressure, also known as hypertension or HBP, affects nearly half of all American adults. HBP refers to the force of blood flowing through your blood vessels being consistently too high. Many times there are no obvious symptoms, however left untreated HBP does significant damage to the circulatory system. High blood pressure is a major contributing factor to a number of cardiovascular conditions, even heart attack.
Uncontrolled high blood pressure can quietly damage arteries and tissue in the heart over time. Typically, HBP does not cause symptoms until it has progressed. While high blood pressure plays a vital role in what may have caused a heart attack, what happens to blood pressure during a heart attack can vary greatly. During a heart attack, blood flow to the heart suddenly becomes blocked and the heart can’t get oxygen. At this time, blood pressure can rise, fall, or stay the same.
A rise in blood pressure can be attributed to the body’s automatic response to stress or danger associated with the sudden trauma. A decrease in blood pressure might be due to the damage sustained to heart by the heart attack, and its inability to maintain proper blood flow. On the other hand, blood pressure may not be affected at all.
Because blood pressure can change may or may not occur during a heart attack; therefore, a blood pressure change alone should not be used as a definite sign of a heart attack. Chest pain, shortness of breath, upper body discomfort, nausea, and light-headedness and are all common symptoms that accompany a heart attack according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
If you or someone you love suffers from high blood pressure, you are not alone. Treatment and lifestyle changes can help to control your HBP and help to prevent a cardiovascular medical emergency from rising in the future.
Clinical studies for those with high blood pressure are enrolling now in your local area that may help. Research doctors are evaluating new treatment options and qualified participants may have access to potential new HBP treatments. Participants often receive care from board-certified physicians and other medical staff, and may receive compensation for time and travel expenses. To learn more about these studies and to see if you qualify CLICK HERE.