Weight loss for teens and adolescents - enroll in a clinical trial

Helping Kids Achieve a Healthier Future: Join a Weight Loss Clinical Trial for Teens and Adolescents

Childhood obesity is a growing concern, affecting over 1 in 5 children in the U.S. This condition not only impacts physical health but can also take a toll on emotional well-being, self-esteem, and quality of life. If your teen is struggling with their weight, we’re offering an opportunity to participate in a cutting-edge clinical trial …

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The Obesity – Asthma Connection

It is no secret that America is in the midst of an obesity epidemic. Today, more Americans meet the medical standard of obesity than ever before, officially classifying it as a “disease.” Generally, obesity is characterized by excessive body fat accumulation. To understand where you fall within this disease, one of the first things you …

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Let’s Debunk Clinical Trial Myths

Clinical trials are crucial in advancing medical research and improving healthcare outcomes. Unfortunately, misconceptions surrounding clinical trials can deter individuals from participating or fully understanding their importance. In this blog, we will explore a few critical facts about clinical trials and debunk some common myths while hopefully shedding light on the significance of these trials …

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Exercises

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the lining of the joints, causing inflammation and pain. If left untreated, permanent joint damage can occur. Exercise is a vital component of the treatment of RA and can help reduce flare-ups. However, when you have stiff, painful joints, exercise can seem like a …

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Thank You, Volunteers!

In 2018, 77.4 million people performed some form of volunteering in America, equaling 6.9 billion hours served. Although every volunteer opportunity is essential, those who give their time to participate in clinical trials play a significant role. This Thanksgiving season, Stamford Therapeutics wants to take the time to thank clinical trial volunteers, but also share …

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Why Are There So Many Awareness Days?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many awareness days? It seems every month we are inundated with information on some new cause. It can be overwhelming, leaving you with the thoughts as to why it’s all necessary. However, awareness days have a purpose and provide a great way for you to take part …

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YOUnique Beauty: Vitiligo

Having vitiligo can mean dealing with some pretty challenging changes that occur to your body. Although it is not life-threatening or contagious, these drastic changes can take an emotional toll on those who suffer from it. Not being able to hide from vitiligo in an increasingly superficial world can make your self- confidence take a …

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Gardening in the Autumn with RA

Autumn is here and if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the cooler weather may bring temporary relief before the harsh winter. Gardening in the Autumn can keep your joints healthy and your kitchen full. Gardening, in general, has health benefits for those diagnosed with RA and when you use the right tools and methods …

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Meet the Team

Dr. Paul Dalgin and his wife Judith opened Stamford Therapeutics Consortium (STC) in 1994 with the sole mission to conduct the highest quality clinical trials. Clinical trials are used to develop treatments of all kinds for many diseases, disorders, and other ailments. These clinical trials are closely monitored by the Food and Drug Administration to …

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Vs. Arthritis

Think rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (also commonly known as arthritis) are the same things? Spoiler alert! They aren’t. Arthritis is a general term used to classify over 100 joint diseases. The common symptoms among these joint diseases are joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a loss in the range of motion, but you guessed it, there …

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