Weight loss for teens and adolescents - enroll in a clinical trial

Helping Kids Achieve a Healthier Future: Join a Weight Loss Clinical Trial for Teens and Adolescents

Childhood obesity is a growing concern, affecting over 1 in 5 children in the U.S. This condition not only impacts physical health but can also take a toll on emotional well-being, self-esteem, and quality of life. If your teen is struggling with their weight, we’re offering an opportunity to participate in a cutting-edge clinical trial …

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Blog Graphic: August is National Immunization Awareness Month - Learn about the different types of vaccines and what you can do to help.

National Immunization Awareness Month 2024: The Role of Vaccines in Preventing Respiratory Diseases

With the new school year starting — and flu season right around the corner — it’s a crucial time to remind everyone of the importance of getting recommended vaccines for respiratory diseases. National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance held in August to highlight the significance of vaccinations for people of all ages. …

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Advancing Health Through Immunization: National Immunization Awareness Month graphic

Advancing Health Through Immunization: National Immunization Awareness Month

August marks National Immunization Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of vaccinations in preventing serious diseases. Vaccines have revolutionized public health by significantly reducing the prevalence of deadly infections. This month let’s shed light on two areas of vaccine research: cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Lyme disease. Cytomegalovirus (CMV): CMV is a …

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Weather and Medical Conditions

It’s been a wives’ tale for years. Grandmothers across the world have predicted the rain when their joints swell and ache. There have been many studies on the effect of rain on joints, but the weather undeniably affects our bodies. The changes in the weather have been known to impact the human body in both …

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Gardening in the Autumn with RA

Autumn is here and if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the cooler weather may bring temporary relief before the harsh winter. Gardening in the Autumn can keep your joints healthy and your kitchen full. Gardening, in general, has health benefits for those diagnosed with RA and when you use the right tools and methods …

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Famous with Lupus

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body. The symptoms can mimic other common conditions, making the path to diagnosis a challenging one. With around 1 in every 2,000 people diagnosed in the United States, lupus shows no discrimination. What is Lupus? Autoimmune diseases turn your body’s immune defense …

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New treatment option for heart burn, acid reflux, showing promise in local clinical trials.

Doctors at Stamford Therapeutics say cutting-edge new option significantly reduces severity and frequency of symptoms. STAMFORD, CT – Heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion; most people will experience this feeling at some point in their lifetime. For those diagnosed with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), the experience is prolonged and far more severe. A new potential treatment option …

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October 12 is World Arthritis Day: Research for possible new treatment options is underway

Local physicians are evaluating new cutting-edge options for patients with arthritis.   BRIDGEPORT, CT – Arthritis impacts the lives of millions across the world each year. Prior injuries, genetics, unrelated health issues, diet and exercise, can all play a part in bone and joint health. According to Mayo Clinic, arthritis is primarily the inflammation of …

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National Yoga Awareness Month spotlights how the practice can help with OA management

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE National Yoga Awareness Month spotlights how the practice can help with OA management Yoga can be a good addition to an osteoarthritis management plan. BRIDGEPORT – Joint pain, stiffness, swelling and pain. Known as the “wear and tear” arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA) is marked by those tell-tale symptoms. The disease is degenerative, which …

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Osteoarthritis Is Not Just a Normal Part of Aging…and other myths!

Osteoarthritis, or OA, affects more than 27 million Americans making it the most common form of arthritis. Known as the “wear and tear” arthritis, it occurs when the cushioning (cartilage) between the joints breaks down causing symptoms like pain, swelling, and stiffness. Many factors come in to play when it comes to determining whether or …

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